PTS conducts IWCF and IADC drilling and well intervention certification courses    
Call us: +66 2 101 9487   




In our pursuit to discover oil and gas in ever deeper horizons, wells are often drilled in what is known as a High Pressure High Temperature [HPHT] environment. To be considered a HPHT well, the downhole conditions will have pressures in excess of 10,000 psi [69 MPa] and 300 deg F [150 deg C]. To drill these usually expensive wells successfully, the planning and execution phase has to be of an exceptionally high standard. Therefore, both operator and drilling/service contractor staff must be seamlessly aligned and work as a coherent team to reach and then harness the well objectives.

The Course Contents: -

The course homes in on key characteristics and challenges of HPHT Planning & Well Control. This includes:
   Differences between HPHT and standard [conventional] wells and what this entails for well design
   Impact of Pore Pressure Prediction [PPP] and understanding of kick tolerance
   Static and Dynamic Equivalent Mud Density and the factors that influence the ultimate Bottom Hole Pressure [BHP]
   Control practices such as ‘fingerprinting’ to identify what’s happening downhole
   Specific HPHT equipment requirements and advantages of Managed Pressure Drilling [MPD]
   Well control on/off bottom and dealing with kick-loss situations
   Mud management and tolerance on mud properties
   Team effort, checklists and ‘getting everybody on-board’
The course is meant for engineers directly or indirectly involved in the delivery of HPHT wells such as office-based planning and operations well engineers and field-based operator/contractor supervisory staff

Main learnings: -

   Recognizing the main differences in planning/design between HPHT and standard [conventional] wells, as well as the challenges that will have to be faced
   Drilling and tripping operational challenges and practices and how to manage these effectively
   Identifying wellbore breathing [a.k.a. ballooning] and how to safely deal with this within the narrow window for mud density selection
   Practicing consistent fingerprinting and to developing procedures for the rig team
   Measuring and understanding of bottom hole pressure and the effect of influencing factors like temperature, rotation and flow rate
   Understanding the critical mud properties to alleviate barite sag and mud density control in general
   Managing losses and low fracture gradients with well bore strengthening methods
   Understanding how MPD can assist in the safe and efficient drilling of HPHT wells
   Identifying critical Early Kick Detection Systems [EKDS] and HPHT well control equipment
   Executing safe secondary well control practices, on and off bottom and handling of gas at surface, using MGS and hydrate mitigation measures
   Appreciating why crew training and optimal communication will greatly assist in achieving the ultimate HPHT well objectives

Delivery: -

The course can be delivered as a: -
   2 or 3-day event, classroom, or virtual, for office-based planning and operations well engineers as well as senior contractor staff. Note that a well control simulator can be used to support the classroom lecture.
   2 or 3-day event, classroom, or virtual, for field-based operator and contractor supervisory staff, which includes tabletop exercises. Note that a well control simulator can be used to support the classroom lecture.

It will be important to get to know the preliminary well design as well as the intended attendees, so that the trainer can home in on the unique details of the challenges that the client is facing. Furthermore, in order to prepare well specific presentation material, it is advisable to give provider PTS an advance notice of approximately 2 to 3 months. Other request, such as syndicate style workshop sessions, well control simulator exposure etc. can also be discussed at per clients’ requirements.